merry christmas

25 12 2011

merry christmas 003

something exciting!

17 05 2011

oh man! Do I have something exciting to share with all of you blog readers out there!  My best friend Mandy and I have been working hard on this wonderful little side project. Months of thought and planning have gone into this project and we are finally ready to unveil it. So without further Ado… Coterie!

Vist the link I am pretty sure you’ll like what you see:

ATF Preview

8 04 2011

There is SO much going on behind the scenes that I could just BURST! I can’t wait to share it with you, but It’ll have to wait til the right time. 🙂 So instead I’m going to post a small preview from Acquire the Fire last weekend. The rest of the photos will be up by the end of tomorrow.

CRAVE went to ATF in Dallas this past weekend and I have to say it was sooo good to see God working in the lives of CRAVE students. ATF is a life changing experience and I remember how impactful it was to me during middle school and highschool. I am so glad that we went. Here a few photos I really like from the event. Enjoy!




I miss this face…

21 02 2011

This is Paul. He is my nephew, and he is the sweetest baby ever. These photos are from January when his family, the Sterners were in town. I really like Paul, and Paul really likes me. I miss this little happy-bear SO much. I was looking through some of my photos from Christmas time and I saw these two, so I thought I’d post them.



Valentine’s Day

15 02 2011

My husband and I decided that we weren’t going to spend money on gifts this year for Valentines day but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to surprise my fabulous husband with a homemade, completely free (well I didn’t purchase anything new, It was all things I already had) gift. I made a bunch of hearts out of pretty scrapbook paper, wrote notes on a bunch of them and I hung them around our apartment. Here are some photos.

As part of my gift to my husband, I also gave him an entire day where I didn’t edit any photos, I didn’t Blog anything and I didn’t read any blogs. I spend A LOT of my free time editing photos and reading blogs, so I wanted to give him a day where I unplugged a little bit. He appreciated it and I enjoyed it as well. I did go on facebook briefly but he gave me permission, and it was on my iphone while we were getting coffee at the coffee bean and tea leaf on 38th and lamar.

My husband, on the other hand surprised me with a gift he spent some money on, flowers and yummy fancy chocolates from my favorite chocolate shop in Austin. It was nice. 🙂


So happy belated valentines day.

8 02 2011

If ever someone is looking to get a gift for me that I will love, this is it:

The Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 Lens


It’s not expensive for a lens, and man the reviews are excellent. I have seen some amazing photos that use this lens. Its pretty much everything I want in a lens. But alas, Matt and I are saving for other, arguably more important things.

A girl can dream…

The Coopers

7 02 2011

So meet the coopers. They are a wonderful family. Shawn is the Youth Pastor at SHCC for CRAVE. I think this is one of the best looking families I know. I got some photos of them yesturday during the CRAVE superbowl party. So I thought I would share them. Enjoy!


The Coopers 6

The Coopers 5

The Coopers 4

The Coopers 3

The Coopers 2

The Coopers 1

His name is Ricoh

31 01 2011

Yesterday I was given an amazing gift from one of my fellow leaders at CRAVE, and I can’t wait to share a photo of it with you all. This gift has already brought a lot of joy to my life, but come tomorrow it will bring substantially more. 



So behold:

his name is ricoh

His name is Ricoh! He is an awesome SLR Film camera with a pentax 50 mm lens. Looking thru the view-finder makes me overflow with excitement. The only thing Mr. Ricoh needs is a couple batteries and some 35mm film. I will be going to precision camera tomorrow on my lunch break to pick these things up so my adventure with Ricoh can begin. Get excited! I will be posting photos here, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Speaking of posting, I have 3 rolls of medium format wonderfulness that need to be developed, and as soon as I get those bad-boys back, they’ll be up on the blog!

So watch out blog world, its time for some analog love!

Magnolia Cafe

29 01 2011

There is this wonderful little place in Austin called Magnolia Cafe. There are 2 locations, but one by far is my favorite. Its located right on Lake Austin Blvd. Its open 24 hours a day. I L-O-V-E! this place. Its such an amazing diner. I know my husband and I go to kerbey lane a lot more often (its delicious too), but we really REALLY like Magnolia, its the top of the list for us, as far as diners go. So a few days ago when I was still feeling pretty under the weather, my husband took me there for some late night dinner. Nothing like a mexican grill cheese (a quesadilla) and some blueberry buttermilk pancakes to make ya feel better. It was great. I took a few photos with the iphone while I was there because I do not go there frequently enough. So enjoy!


Instax Jamaica

19 01 2011

My Husband and I went to Jamaica on our honeymoon back in September. It was B-E-A-utiful! It was such a wonderfully relaxing place filled with so much beauty. Here a few photos from our trip that we took with the fujifilm instax: